Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Does Success Mean To Me?

“Success”, something that everybody wants. But, what is success? Indeed, everybody has his own definition of the word. For some, success means having a lot of money, fame and power, but for some, success does not necessarily means having a lot of money.

As a student, “success” for me would be to become a laureate or to pass my exams with very good results and get a scholarship. Still, some students may thing that getting a scholarship is too hard and thus may consider that simply passing their exams is a success. In Form 5, i was aiming for 6 distinctions, instead, i got only 4. While most people would consider it as a rather good result, i was disappointed and considered it as a failure. For me success mean to reach our targeted goals. After passing my HSC exams, I would probably join a university where i would like to study psychology and economics.

Of course, success does not stop at academic level. Obviously after finishing school I would join a firm where i will start a career. Here again, everybody has their own definition of a successful career. A good example of a successful career for me would be that of Bill Gates. My childhood dream job was to army. I wanted to become a soldier and serve my country. But with time, i have realized that soldier was not a job made for me. For me being successful in a career means not only to earn a lot of money but also to earn higher status, gain more power and allies.

I would consider myself to be successful in my career only when I will reach the top of it. most people like to think that money is not important, “what is more important is to have a nice family and a good social life” they say. I believe money is very important, it is a mean to fulfill our dreams and since we like to dream big, it is obvious that we will need a lot of money to fulfill our dreams. I believe that one should always seek to grab opportunities and grow stronger. When it comes to having a decent family life, why should we have to choose between power, a lot of money and our family? Can’t we have both? Some people might think that one will not have enough time to spend with his family when working hard to achieve success in his career. Well, I believe that life starts once you have achieve success in your career. Once you have reached the top, you will have all the time you want to spend with your family.

Indeed, it is important to spend a lot of time with one’s family to be successful in his family life. Without that, one’s life is a failure. Family is very important in a person’s life. When we take a look around us today, we see more and more broken families. People are living under the same roof as strangers. There is no communication among the family members. I would have such a family, i would consider my life as a failure. Even if i had all the money in the world, it would be useless if I had nobody to share with. After all, who on his deathbed ever said “wish i had spend more time in the office and less with my family” ? For me, having a successful family means having a wife i can trust and rely on, having children whom I can be proud of. I do not expect my children to be genius or to have special abilities. All i want is a child who will respect me and who will make me say proudly “that’s my child”. Of course, I do not expect my family to be perfect. There will be hard times, but what is more important is that we stay united. Having a decent family life will also give you more respect in the society and hence more success.

Indeed, once cannot have a happy life if nobody in the society likes him. To know whether one is successful or not in the society, one should ask himself, “What difference would it make if I was not here?” There is not many ways to gain respect in the society. If you give respect, you get respect. Here again, I believe that having a successful career will help. For me being successful in a society is when children look at you and say “When I grow up, I want to be like this man”

Of course, today I am a still a young seventeen years old student. I have all my life to life. I hope that in he future my vision of success will be different, but for the time being, this is what “Success” means to me.